After 8 years battling for Shah Alam Community Forest (SACF), our beloved forest continues to be under relentless threat from developers. Please sign this petition to PKNS to stop the destruction at SACF.
Appeal to PKNS to Stop Destruction of the Shah Alam Community Forest (SACF)
WE call upon the Selangor State Government and its company PKNS (Selangor State Development Corporation) to stop development at SACF and to protect ALL of the forest here, based on the following FIVE reasons:
1. The forest here is the habitat for an amazing collection of wildlife.
From 150 species of wildlife including tapirs, gibbons, leopard cats, slow loris, dusky langurs and mousedeers to more than 100 species of birds including hornbills, plus 445 species of plants.
Development will disrupt the delicate ecosystem balance. PKNS’ proposal to preserve merely 34ha or 20% of SACF will cause this rich wildlife to die out. Thus, ALL of SACF must be preserved.
2. The forest here provides important ecological services.
The forest plays such an important part in flood prevention and provides clean air so that our urban neighbourhood will be more sustainable and resilient towards extreme weather. SACF is an area of STEEP HILLS and development here will cause soil erosion, landslides and flash floods that will inconvenience and even endanger the public.

3. SACF is a popular nature recreational area.
About 1,000 visitors come weekly to hike or enjoy nature. Thus, we have “harapan” or HOPE that PKNS will be a developer that is sensitive to the needs of the people. We HOPE that PKNS will instead develop land elsewhere in Selangor so that SACF can be preserved for future generations.
4. SACF is still legally gazetted as a forest reserve.
A study by the SACF Society has found that the alleged degazettement in 2006 under the Barisan Nasional state government was not done properly. This finding has been confirmed by the Malaysian Bar Council. So we again HOPE that the Pakatan Harapan Selangor State Government will respect the law and recognise SACF as a forest reserve.
5. SACF is a natural treasure which is thousands of years old.
It’s a forest gem that should be protected as an official Selangor State Park for residents’ recreation and as a tourist attraction for long-term benefit. So we appeal to PKNS and the state government – don’t destroy a forest which is loved by so many people just for short-term gain.
Sign the petition here: https://chng.it/NjnYttGhCj