Our third SACF video features nature guide, Steven Wong leading a team of research volunteers to set up ‘camera traps’ within the forest. The objective of the project was to determine what animals live in SACF and to advocate the protection of their home.
“The local “celebrities” in SACF include the adorable Malayan Tapir, stealthy Leopard Cat and Large Indian Civet ”
Also making their appearance were the Lesser Mousedeer (of Sang Kancil fame), the Malayan Porcupine and Buffy Fish Owl which have been captured several times with these automatic camera traps between October 2021 and February 2022.
Produced by local filmmaker, Linus Chung, this video documents the camera trapping efforts and be sure to watch for some fascinating result. Watch this video and share it to help save our forest which is under threat from development.
“This little place packed with lots of wildlife is called the Shah Alam Community Forest or SACF.”
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