Kutipan Dana Yuran Guaman

Untuk Melindungi Hutan Komuniti Shah Alam dan Hutan Simpan Bukit Cherakah

Persatuan Rimba Komuniti Shah Alam

Maybank 5128 4853 2026

Please indicate ‘Save SACF’ if you are doing a Bank Transfer

Persatuan SACF dan PEKA Malaysia akan meneruskan perjuangan perguaman untuk selamatkan Hutan Komuniti Shah Alam. Kami percaya bahawa hutan ini adalah khazanah rakyat Selangor dan harus disimpan untuk generasi yang akan datang.

Kami memerlukan bantuan anda untuk menampung kos guaman. Sumbangan anda akan menunjukkan sokongan yang kukuh terhadap perlindungan Hutan Komuniti Shah Alam kepada kerajaan Selangor
SACF Society and PEKA Malaysia will pursue a Federal Court appeal against the recent dismissal of our judicial review application by the Court of Appeal. We believe that this patch of regenerating ancient forest is worth saving for our future generations.
We need your help to cover the legal cost. More than just the money, your contribution will demonstrate public support of the protection of Shah Alam Community Forest to the Selangor government.

Getting Here

How to Explore SACF

How to Explore SACF

Use our latest map dated October 2021 here.

You can also download the free Komoot app to help you navigate.

Happy hiking!